
The Volvo Flexi-Gold Contract

The Volvo Flexi-Gold Contract is a usage-based service contract where monthly fees are aligned with actual mileage. This means you will have greater flexibility to adapt your operation to market conditions and demand.

Connectivity makes it possible

The Volvo Flexi-Gold Contract is based on real-time monitoring technology. Using the sophisticated telematics gateway in your truck, it enables us to obtain your real-time driving data and monitor the condition of your truck. The technology also enables us to base each invoice on actual driven mileage.

You pay when you earn

What distinguishes the Volvo Flexi-Gold Contract from other service contracts is its flexible set-up. The monthly fees vary, thanks to a variable component which follows your actual driving. In addition, it offers a +/-20% flexibility span or 10% flexibility for annual mileage above 200,000 km for your estimated yearly mileage. And you can rest assured that no mileage revision will take place at the end of the year.

Main Benefits

  • It’s usage-based, so both maintenance activities and monthly fee follows your actual mileage.
  • Improves your cash flow by aligning costs with revenues –even if your business has significant seasonal changes.
  • Slims down your paperwork.
  • Allows flexibility which makes it easier for you to handle future changes in workload.
  • Brings peace of mind by securing your uptime.
  • Decreases your total cost of ownership by offering long-term contract solutions.

The yearly mileage estimate which determines the contract cost may change up to a  40% flexibility span.

The monthly fees vary, thanks to a variable component which follows your actual driven distance (price/km).

You may have various ups and downs during the year –your monthly fee will always be in line with your actual driven distance. What counts is that your total yearly mileage stays within your flexibility span.

The longer the contract, the more flexibility you will get in actual mileage. And the better you will be able to handle future changes in workload.

Got a question?

Your local Volvo Trucks dealer will have the answer. Drop in, give them a call or ask them to come see you.